It's Ok to Be Lazy

This weekend was a truly lazy weekend. 
And honestly I am perfectly okay with that.

One of my May goals is to just RELAX
So instead of trying to run 50 zillion errands and trying to make social plans I just kind of took the weekend as it came and I am so glad I did. 
I feel so mildly rejuvenated for this if this feeling will last past today that would be awesome.

Mr. B and I went pinata shopping.
Trying to stick to my budget and saved a bunch of money at the grocery store.
Skyped with my bestie in PA. Yes this isn't a picture of us skyping but I like this better.
I ironed a ton of clothes. I HATE ironing too, but who doesn't?!
Enjoyed the beautiful weather and my shape magazine in the hammock.
Made it to the gym twice this weekend.
Made delicious mahi fish tacos for Cinco de Mayo.
Decided air drying my hair is a better use of my 40 minutes every night.
Mr. B brought me home crawfish from his crawfish boil at work and I ate my weight in them.

Can't wait to see everyone else's weekend shenanigans.

    yolomondays200x200lightpinkFINAL  TWI

- The Babbling Box!


  1. Pinata shopping sounds like fun! Also, way to save money at the grocery store! I'm so bad at that!

  2. I have a few things I need to pick up but haven't made the time to cut out I'm going without until I do. Sticking to a budget is hard, but so worth it! Mahi fish tacos for Cinco de Mayo sound sooo good!

  3. I'd love for you to link up to my weekly blog hop going on now :)

    xoxo Tori

  4. Woah , your saving is awesome . I am also trying to be in a budget .
    Totally wanting your tacos :)
    Got you from the collective . Girl , I would love to invite you to join my blog hop Grab A Friend
    Noor @ Noor's Place
