The Day My Bathroom/Closet Revolted...

Saturday morning I was looking forward to sleeping entirely too late. Mr. B left super early to go to St. Louis. At around 9:15ish I was awoken by a large crashing noise. Not exactly the way I wanted to wake up or at the time I wanted to wake up. But regardless I went exploring and found quite the mess in our bathroom. 

I had two shelves in the bathroom that held all of my makeup and makeup supplies. It originally looked like this...

What I saw Saturday was this...

And I did what any normal person would do, closed the door and went to make breakfast.

A few hours later I finally tackled the mess and much to my dismay learned that  all of my eye-shadows had shattered. Eye-shadow is like eight bucks a pop. And I HEART colorful eye-shadow. You do the math.

Turns out the screws holding the shelves just gave up! Or revolted. With so much of it ruined by the makeup and glass I had to throw so much of it away.

As I spent an hour cleaning up little glass beads I decided that my Saturday would include shopping. Screw the budget. I deserved it for not crying or drinking during the entire cleaning process.

At Target I found the perfect makeup organization kit and it was only $8.99! I will not admit to how much I spent replacing all of my eye-shadows though...

I found an old painting of mine to over up the damage to the walls from the shelves. Lets just not tell Mr. B about that until its time to move...

All and all I think that I was able to solve the mess with little frustration on my part. I dislike clutter, so while it was always so nice to be able to just grab anything I needed, having my makeup put away under the cabinet makes me much happier.  Despite how much I liked my original design and how much time I spent putting it together.

The bathroom revolution definitely messed up a lot of my Saturday plans but oh well that's life, luckily we had a three day weekend. 


Today I woke up with a bug up my butt.

Well not really, but I had a bone to pick with my closet. Said closet has been unkind to my clothes lately, every time I pull out something to wear its wrinkled or I hate it. The hating part isn't the closets fault I know, but I blame the closet anyways.  Friday morning I spent 40 minutes trying on clothes for work. That's bat sh*t crazy!!!

So today I decided to move some items around, hoping that if my clothes were less cramped they would be less wrinkled and I would hate all of them less, meaning no more 40 minute fashion shows at 6:30 in the morning.  

I looked at Mr. B's meager side of the closet with lust, if only I could take his stuff to the guest room I would have the perfect amount of space. But that seemed like it would be mean...

So I continued moving my stuff around, taking stuff that was unneeded to the office, all while lusting after Mr. B's space.

Talk about first world problems or white girl problems...I do know I truly have nothing to complain about. But its my blog and I will complain if I want to!

 The moving small things around turned into a five hour long closet redo. I am crazy, I get it, no need to comment on that part.  I could probably bet you money that Mr. B will come home and not even notice the difference, but I do and I guess that's what matters.  He should just be happy his stuff is still in the closet...

Since I was redoing my closet anyways I wanted to try out a pinterest tip I found...

This works AMAZING! Hot glue on hangers and nothing will ever slip off again! (Wk 4 - 52 Wk Pinterest Challenge)

And boy am I glad I did! Its amazing the difference it makes on my sweaters and wide necked shirts. Nothing slips off the hanger now!  And a free craft is always a nice one.

So now two days of my three day weekend have passed and I have not done anything but reorganize a perfectly organized bathroom and closet. Oh, and make my office look ridiculously stupid with all of the things I took out of my closet/bathroom. But I will NOT spend tomorrow organizing the office, it can wait. 

I have grading to do, lots of grading! A visit to the gym is required. Lunch to make for the week. Oh and I should probably relax and enjoy some part of this weekend. 

Not particularly sure why I shared all of this with my bloggy world, but thanks for listening, perhaps I need more interesting stories...

- The Babbling Box!

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