August Currently

Since we I said goodbye to July yesterday I thought what better way to say hello to August than linking up with Farley's Currently.

My whole currently is pretty self explanatory but when given the chance to babble when have I not?

There is something I love about listening to CMT's Top 20 on the weekends maybe you have to really like country music to appreciate it or maybe I am just a sucker for country boys...

Last summer my sister and I were lucky enough to see Kenny Chesney play in Central Park and we both walked away reborn fans and his new single certainly doesn't disappoint.

The last two summers I was lucky enough to be able to take vacations to NYC and Orlando right before school started, while I had a blast on both trips it definitely lead me to going back to school a little drained and working most of July to get my room set up. This summer has been nothing but relaxing, getting settled into the apartment and focusing on working out which I think will lead to a smoother start of school.

PBIS or PBS depending on what your school calls it was on my June Currently but its still on my mind. I will be the new head of the committee, I am pretty sure there is a specific title but I have no clue what it is. There also seems to be some sort of expectation that I have been working on stuff this summer, but I haven't because no one will tell me what exactly needs to be done. Do you work at a school where no one responds to emails? It drives me batty.

Classroom keys so I can start coming and going as I please to tackle my room set up, I also need to figure out if the AC/electricity is back on in my room. The district saved money this summer by shutting these off but 800 emails from them later I can't recall when it was coming back on because lets be real I have no intention of sweating it out in a 100 degree classroom that's insanity. 

Also not sure what has melted off the walls at this point or what actually got cleaned this summer so little helpers to help me move and re-set up the 31 computers in my lab would be a lifesaver. All during summer school I was running into my old students at the stores or the pool and now that I want to employ their able hands its a ghost town. Go figure.

A million bucks is pretty self explanatory: back to school shopping. Duh!

Back in May I made the decision to move to Paelo/Whole30 lifestyle, I will say that I am about 75% there. I haven't given up booze, cheese or cheats every once in a while cause that would be crazy. With so much time on my hand I have been experimenting with so many yummy recipes but I know when school starts there will be no way I can spend an hour or two each night cooking so I want to write out ten or so go to recipes that I can have on hand rather than spending hours lost in the world of pinterest.

Here's to enjoying the last 15 days of summer, getting my classroom set up and making this school year the best one yet! Oh and go link up with Farley, cause I am nosy and want to know what your currently doing.


  1. We are starting (again) PBIS this year. I'm on the committee but not in charge! I'm responsible for putting together some resources teachers can use in their classroom RIGHT NOW when they leave our 'training'. I would love to collaborate with you if that sounds like something that might be useful for your school! You can email me a if interested!


    Primary on the Prowl

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's my kind of playlist! Country music is my jam. :) And ditto on that meal plan for school! I'm not officially going Paleo, but I am trying to reduce my grain/dairy consumption and eat more veggies/protein. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I've been moving toward a more Paleo diet recently too. Except that I'm not, no way, not ever giving up cheese. I'm a carb addict, but I need to curb those cravings for my health. I even tried making zucchini pasta the other day... and nope. At least not with a spaghetti sauce. Share your recipes with me!!
