08/2014 Goals

It's August 4th and I am just now setting my August goals.
I am also setting my goals while watching Girl Meets World. 

Let's recap my July Goals and see how much I accomplished...you know considering I had the whole month off and all.

Stop using so many hashtags, yea right but really I can try. 
Blog once a week, at least. 
Work on tweaking my sidebar text sizes and fonts and a grab me button.
Connect with more bloggers, Haley had mentioned she has a tendency to think another girl could be a great friend but then never acts on it, something I do ALL. OF. THE. TIME. Yes that needed caps, so I want to try and comment on blogs more than rather just think ohh I like this blogger...next.

Pretty much accomplished all of these goals besides who really wants to stop using hashtags. 

health and fitness.
Get back into a weekly routine: 5 days a week.
Buy bigger weights or commit to a new gym membership.
Continue the whole30 journey.
Take a few days off drinking each week.

Let's be real when you have no job to go to the next morning its hard to turn down booze. #thestruggleisreal

Reorganize and set up a better closet.
No new clothes shopping!
Organize my and set up my bathroom.
Create a gallery wall in my tv room and hang curtains.

I bought less than five items so really it should probably be considered accomplished. I thought it would be 'cute' to paint a design on my curtains and I am currently hating it and now just seeking new gray curtains.  

Research and make a to do list for grad school.

This didn't happen but I did make a plan for whom I need to talk to in the district so we will see this goal come back around September.

Lay out by the pool.
Read a few books.
Reconnect with friends I haven't seen lately.
Go to the beach.

All and all I would give July a solid A and myself a little pat on the back! Fingers crossed August goes just as successfully.

Blog once a week, at least. 
Work on tweaking my facebook header to match my new blog header.
Respond to all comments within the week. 

health and fitness.
Complete all 31 days of the August Blogilates Calendar.
Write up a meal list of my favorite whole30/paleo meals for when school starts.
Take a few days off drinking each week.

Stop making piles of things and put them away when they come in the house, this apartment is just too small for that crap.
No credit card spending.
Keep to my back to school shopping budget, but enjoy every cent of it!

Set up classroom, this week. 
Not let PBIS overwhelm me.
Stay positive, patient and flexible. 

Continue laying out by the pool. Hello vitamin D.
Read a few books.
Make a dentist appointment.

I encourage you to link up to, even if you just have a few goals...or your goal is just to survive the start of school...we all have something we want to get done this August!


  1. Great job on the July goals!! Don't hold back on the hashtags ;) Love the Will Ferrell gif haha

    Thanks for linking up with MMG :) Good luck with your August goals!

  2. I'm a new reader, also a middle school teacher, and I love your blog! It's really honest, and I like that! I teach 7th grade low level reading, and I have many of the same kinds of students ;) My first day back is Tuesday, and it's a horrible feeling, honestly. It's the meetings and paper packets that kill me - total overload. I only absorb so much, and the rest goes right over my head. I used to frantically take notes, but I don't bother anymore. I'm also in an unfriendly coworkers type of school, so dealing with the kids is one of the better parts of my day. We start classes on 8/18. Good luck this year, I'll keep reading. Susan
