05/2014 Goals

It's the seventh of May and I am just now getting around to setting my May goals, I could blame it on being in Chicago for five days and then returning to a mess, a story for another day, but the truth of the matter is I procrastinate. There I said it.

When I first started this monthly link up I assumed setting monthly goals would be rewarding in the whole crossing things off the list each month feeling I love and I wouldn't have goals from five months ago that I had clearly forgotten about.

Reality is that it doesn't matter if I set the goals 100+ days ago or 30 days ago, I am going to procrastinate and try to accomplish everything on the last possible day. Or just add the goals to the next month. And the next month. etc.

I am not particularly sure why I procrastinate because in my professional life I strive on to do lists and I work my butt off each and every day to cross each item off. And I do. But once the work clothes come off and the yoga pants come on all bets are off and suddenly I am using the words later or tomorrow, I let the social media world distract me or I get lost in hours of HGTV in the pits of my couch. 

If I just took a minute to respond to that email, make that phone call or make a blog comment instead of making a to do list to do it later I would probably be a whole lot less stressed and would probably need a few less to do lists. No matter how much I love to do lists.

With all that being said I am still hosting the monthly link up, because no matter who wants to link up I have learned a few things about myself over these last five months and I certainly have determined what goals I should focus on and what goals are just getting in the way of the bigger picture.

Without further ramblings lets take a look at my April Goals:

one. I am participating in Erin's #1800minutechallenge my goal should be to log at least half of my minutes in April in order to stay on track. Failed.

two. No credit card purchases.  Failed.

three. Blog once a week, this month will be busy so I making my priority working out and not blogging. Failed.

four. Respond to all blog comments by the end of the week. Failed.

five. Find a place to live, sign paperwork and book the movers. Success.

six. Go through the rest of the house, pull out items for garage sale and price items for garage sale. Success.

seven. Plan all outfits for Chicago and purchase accessories, shoes and makeup bag by the 20th. Send back whichever dress I won't wear to the wedding. Failed.

eight. Pack for Chicago. Success, but it wasn't pretty how much I brought. Not pretty at all.

nine. Get ahead in lesson planning and grading so that when I miss three days of school I don't hate myself...refuse to go back to that mess...cry!  Success.

ten. Tackle one project at a time, one week at a time. Failed/success?

There really isn't a need to elaborate on any of that so it's onto goals for May!

one. Work out or something like that.
Since its May 7th and I just made it to 900 minutes of my #1800minutechallenge, its time to kick it into high gear and start actually going to the gym and not just coming home and doing a yoga routine.

two. Complete the Goop Cleanse. 
I was looking for a juice cleanse but those are super pricey, I have done the goop cleanse before and enjoyed it so I am leaning that way. All I know is my body is screaming for a break from carbs, cheese and booze.

three. No credit card spending! 
For reals this time.

four. Return a lot of shopping item! 
A bunch of the items I didn't use for the wedding need to be returned and I need to track down items I returned to make sure balances are returned to my accounts. I am crazy and admit it openly.

five. Make an end of year check list for school. 
I had wanted to prep my room for next year but I found out to save money they are turning off the AC for the whole summer so I can only imagine any work I do would have to be redone as it melted off the walls. It's all about packing smart and prepping what I can.

six. Be a more active blogger:
either blog more often, comment more, respond to comments, just do something.

seven. Pack smart, move smart unpack smart. 
I have this horrible tendency to literally pack up the house as is and unpack the house as is, thus never purging or organizing things in different ways. I want something different this time, a place with less things, less clutter and less...well just less.

eight. Be a better friend. 
I just found out my sister is moving in with her bf through my dad, I haven't talked to my bestie in almost a month and don't get me started on people I know here in the city. It's time to connect more.

nine. Get crafty!
I want to create something special for my SEL class that is promoting to the 9th grade, I need something free but special for them to take with them when they leave. I obliviously don't have to do this, but it is very important to me!

ten. Stop procrastinating!

So now its your turn to join the party! The rules are simple, cause there really aren't any, write out your May goals, grab the button and then link up to the party. 


  1. The most important goals that you had on your list in April were accomplished. I'd say that is a major success and should count triple. There...they just canceled the others out! I'm so swamped that I forgot all about May goals too. I will have to be thinking about that this weekend. Surely I can scrape a few ideas together. I'm STILL SUPER JEALOUS that you and Erin got to hang out without me!!!!!!!
    P.S. I had a teeny weeny little sip of you know what must not be named. I really don't think I should have been doing tequila J(H)ell-o shots at 8:30 a.m. It clouded my judgement. Lol!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Dude... it's May 8, and I still haven't done Currently for this month. I guess, at this point, I'm probably just skipping it. I tell myself every month that I want to participate in this link-up, but I suck at making goals... as evidenced by the fact that I never actually link up!
